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The Benefits of Consulting an IBCLC: Your Breastfeeding Journey’s Best Ally

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and essential aspect of nurturing a newborn, providing them with optimal nutrition and building a strong bond between you and your baby. Despite this, breastfeeding can also present challenges and uncertainties for many new mothers. This is where and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) plays a vital role.  So, what […]

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Breastfeeding Babies During Summer: Tips for a Happy and Hydrated Mother and Baby

As the summer heat rolls in, it’s important for you as a new mother to pay extra attention to the well-being of your breastfeeding baby. With nice weather and summer holidays, your routine is probably going to change, and so is your baby’s routine, especially your breastfeeding routine.  As I have previously discussed in this […]

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Caring For Your Baby’s Umbilical Cord Stump: Tips and Recognising Infection Signs

The umbilical cord is an incredible lifeline that connects a growing baby to their mother during pregnancy, but is no longer needed once the baby is born.  During pregnancy, the umbilical cord carries nutrients and oxygen from the placenta to your baby, keeping them alive inside your womb. After the baby is born and capable […]

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The Truth About Tongue Ties

Having a tongue-tied baby is not a new phenomenon, but what is the current situation? Are all babies tongue-tied? The answer is no, but it does affect nearly 5 percent of all new-borns. Tongue tie is an old term I’ve been familiar with since my nursing degree at the university. However, this common condition was […]

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What do I Need to Keep in Mind about Flange Size?

I previously discussed here how to choose the correct flange size for your breasts, and also how much breast pump flange sizes can vary between different products in this blog. In addition to this, today I would like to share some important considerations to avoid confusion about flange size during your breastfeeding journey.  As you may know, your […]

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Swaddling your Baby: My “Top 8” Tips for Safe Swaddling

Swaddling babies was a normal practice before the XVII century, and it remains a common practice in many cultures around the world. For cultures such as Oriental, African, and Latin-American, swaddling and carrying babies is a part of their lifestyle, as they believe it offers security and protection to their infants. Now, let’s talk about […]

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Do all brands of Breast Pump have the same Flange Sizes?

Sadly not, which does cause a few small issues when it comes to you choosing the right one for you. It isn’t possible that you would know ahead of buying this expensive equipment, as any recommendations or reviews that may push you to buy a specific breast pump aren’t tailored to your breast size. Technically […]

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How do I know if my Baby Needs a Top Up?

One of the things that mothers worry about the most, is if their babies are getting enough breast milk or if they need to top up with formula. It’s true that sometimes, babies need this top up for reasons that I’ll cover below, but the vast majority of them are unnecessary. The first thing that […]

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How to Introduce a Bottle to Your Baby?

Introducing the bottle to your baby sounds like a very easy thing to do, but from my experience it’s something that requires more time to learn than parents expect. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life as the only nutrition for your baby, but each baby and situation […]

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How to Choose The Best Breast Pump Flange Size For You

Choosing the correct size of the flange is the key to having a pleasant and efficient extraction of your breast milk. You need to keep in mind that not all nipples are the same, and every one of you has a different shape and size. There are several reasons why it’s important to choose the […]

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