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Harvesting Colostrum in Preparation for a Successful Breastfeeding Journey

The journey of motherhood begins before your baby’s first breath. During pregnancy, your body undergoes remarkable changes to prepare for the arrival of your little one. One of the crucial transformations is the production of colostrum, often referred to as the “golden liquid” for its extraordinary health benefits.  In this blog, we will explore the […]

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Why is Breastfeeding Important? Breastfeeding Benefits for You and your Baby

If you’re still not sure about breastfeeding your newborn baby, I would recommend reading this blogand I’m pretty sure you’ll change your mind, or at least give yourself a chance to enjoy the benefits foryou both. Breastfeeding has long-term benefits for you and your baby. Any amount of breast milk has a positiveeffect and it’s […]

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