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Expressed Milk

How Should I Store my Breast Milk?: “My Top 5 Tips for Storing Breast Milk Safely”

Breast milk is often referred to as a gold liquid for infants. It’s not just a source of nourishment; it’s also a potent provider of essential nutrients, antibodies, and a strong foundation for your baby’s healthy growth.  Whether you’re a working mother or just looking to have some extra milk available for when you need […]

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Why Mastitis Happens

Mastitis is a term that strikes a chord of concern for many breastfeeding mothers. It’s also a word that many women haven’t heard of before becoming new mothers. Mastitis is a condition that can turn what should be a joyful bonding experience with your baby into a painful and frustrating ordeal. Interestingly, statistics show that […]

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When Breastfeeding, How Often Should I Pump?

The question of pumping frequency while breastfeeding is a common query that arises during many of my consultations. Mothers often express concerns about pumping’s impact on their babies’ milk intake, fearing that pumping too close to a feed might lead to inadequate milk supply. In light of these concerns, I thought it would be beneficial […]

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What do I Need to Keep in Mind about Flange Size?

I previously discussed here how to choose the correct flange size for your breasts, and also how much breast pump flange sizes can vary between different products in this blog. In addition to this, today I would like to share some important considerations to avoid confusion about flange size during your breastfeeding journey.  As you may know, your […]

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Do all brands of Breast Pump have the same Flange Sizes?

Sadly not, which does cause a few small issues when it comes to you choosing the right one for you. It isn’t possible that you would know ahead of buying this expensive equipment, as any recommendations or reviews that may push you to buy a specific breast pump aren’t tailored to your breast size. Technically […]

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How to Choose The Best Breast Pump Flange Size For You

Choosing the correct size of the flange is the key to having a pleasant and efficient extraction of your breast milk. You need to keep in mind that not all nipples are the same, and every one of you has a different shape and size. There are several reasons why it’s important to choose the […]

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