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What is Colostrum and Why is it so Important for your Baby?

Feeding your newborn baby for the first few days of life can cause some concerns as a new parent. Especially from breastfeeding mothers who are worried if their babies have enough food with the tiny amount of colostrum being produced.

When a baby is born, colostrum is all they need. Normal colostrum production is between 2 and 20ml per feed for the first 2-3 days after birth. Even thought it sounds like a small amount, you need to think that your baby’s stomach is so tiny and the stomach capacity (amount of milk the stomach can tolerate) is only between 5 to 7 ml. So, the quantities are perfectly adapted to your baby’s needs.  

So what is colostrum? It’s the precursor liquid of breast milk. As you may already know it’s a yellow and sometimes orange fluid secreted from the mammary glands during pregnancy and begins to appear between 12-16 weeks.  Nature has designed its contents perfectly for the specific needs of a new born baby.

The benefits of colostrum for your baby

The first benefit for your new born baby is protection against environmental germs, infections, and diseases.  The second benefit is nutrition. Colostrum is composed of immunoglobulins, water, proteins (especially a high beta carotene concentration that is the responsible for this yellow and orange colour), fats, carbs and other components.  The colour and contents are why it’s known as ‘The Unique Golden Liquid’.

To summaries, I will say that colostrum is, in short, a golden yellow liquid that you can give to your baby in the right measure and at the right time. Also, is the best start in life for protection and nutrition to ensure your baby’s growth and development.

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